Watch out for rental scams

As the saying goes - if it looks too good to be true, it normally is.  Both my clients and myself have been drawn to the attention of amazing looking homes on Sydney's most reputable websites being advertised for ridiculously low prices.  When my clients have made inquiries, the supposed agent or landlord direct them to 'Airbnb' and ask them to pay directly through there which has luckily made my clients wary.  When a property looks too good to be true - Google the address and you will most likely find the property and all the amazing photos listed in an ad from a recent 'for sale' campaign and these scammers have just copied and pasted these sometimes multi-million dollar homes and advertised them for $700 per week.  It is really important to carry out research on properties before committing to them.

The Department of Fair Trading also highlights some common traps that you can encounter - it is important to know your rights as well.

Marcelle Wever